


Introducing the "Lumins" Open Species. It is being distrubuted through the Creative commons Licence 4.0

Pixi Lumins variant

The world of the lumins

The lumin home planet Lumeria.

notable places on Lumeria

The Sandsea

A desert located around the equator, the area has a lot of volcanic activity and the gasses from this activity have turned the desert into acting almost like a liquid. Lumins have learned to traverse the sandsea using trimaran sail ships called sandships. Sailing the sandsea is not without its dangers, everything from toxic fumes, collapsing lava tunnels , volcanic eruptions, gas explosions and sand serpents. This region is mostly inhabited by nomad lumin, some living on ships or at the edges of the sandsea.

Port of Sandfall

Port City located in the middle of the sandsea, at the edge of a crater from a network of collapsed lava tubes, where the sand from the sandsea falls down into the crater like a waterfall. The crater also provides shade and traps moisture allowing plants to grow. It's also called the oasis of the sandsea. The city is a central trade hub in the region, where lumins from all over the sandsea come to make trades and some from more distant lands come to seek adventure as part of their coming of age.

Sea of ghosts

Scattered all over Lumeria there are wrecks of ships from ancient battles, when they are found in a cluster lumins call them a sea of ghosts as they consider these large metal structures as beasts and are treated with respect as any other living thing. There are lumins that venture into these areas to search for artifacts and some are especially good at finding artifacts, as some have developed a sensitivity for magnetic and or electricity. These lumins are referred to as metal singers.

Lights edge

Major city in the region on the cliffs looking out towards the Dark sea. Its name reflects that standing on the edge of the cliffs looking down it looks like looking into a dark chasm as the water drops steeply down. Old folktales of the area say it's bad luck to try to fish from the cliffs and ships who set out from the area disappear. The city does not have a water based port, and instead requires land or air based transports. The city is known for the Light spire, a large “light cathedral”.

Dark sea

major water body that separates two of Lumerias continents. It contains the deepest known areas of Lumeria, shrouded in folklore of disappearing ships, giant unknown creatures and only the bravest or most foolish of lumins venture out on the waters.

“Water petal cities”

Arch-lumin’s built Artificial city islands that float around on the seas, they mainly deal with deep water fishing and extraction of materials from the sea. These “cities” move around on the seas.


Coming soon

The largest variant

Arch-Lumins are considered: Proud, intelligent, peaceful

Winged instead of tentacles as the smaller variants